Annual dinner gala with Naftali Bennett a huge success

Guests to American Experiment’s annual dinner gala in downtown Minneapolis last Thursday night were treated to an important and relevant speech by former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Bennett somberly walked the crowd through the horrific events of October 7, weaving in heroic stories of Israeli citizens rushing to the Gaza border, risking their lives to defend people they’ve never met. Bennett also talked about the great hope he has in the youth of Israel after interviewing some of the young heroes from October 7 and the ongoing war in Gaza.

“I draw courage and confidence in our future because of this younger generation,” Bennett told the crowd of more than 600 Minnesotans. “We didn’t know that we have such a tough younger generation — it turns out we have the toughest young boys and girls imaginable.”

The prime minister spoke for almost 30 minutes and then sat for questions with American Experiment President John Hinderaker. During the Q & A Bennett offered a path to victory against the country of Iran, drawing on President Ronald Reagan’s successful campaign against the former Soviet Union. He suggested Israel and the United States should accelerate the collapse of Iran through economic means.

“First and foremost, Reagan had clarity,” said Bennett. “He didn’t play games and say, ‘We can accommodate you.’ No. He called it the Evil Empire. He was clear, and he won.”

The evening began with a video featuring American Experiment’s accomplishments over the last year.

Former U.S. Senator Norm Coleman introduced Bennett, with long-time friend and supporter Rudy Boschwitz providing an inspirational message and welcome. The smattering of protesters outside did not diminish the excitement and fun of the event. Many said it was one of the best annual dinners in the 33-year history of the organization. Special thanks to the Minneapolis police officers who kept everyone safe.

See you at the Fall Briefing with Chris Rufo on September 28, 2024. Watch the events page for more information.