How a current Title IX injunction could apply to your child’s school

The Biden administration’s changes to Title IX are set to go into effect Aug. 1, but litigation has halted implementation in 14 states. “While Minnesota is not one of them, the third lawsuit granted three of the plaintiff groups — Young America’s Foundation, Moms for Liberty, and Female Athletes United — relief in any school in the country in which the group has members,” according to the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR) Twin Cities.

By July 15 (Monday), the groups must submit a list to federal court of the schools in which they have members in order for the injunction to apply there. “Individual Minnesota parents may join the Moms for Liberty group as a member at large and, for the duration of the court’s order, thereby halt implementation of the rule in their child’s school,” shares FAIR Twin Cities.

Current school district policies and procedures in use or those a district chooses to adopt won’t be changed, but the lawsuit “nullifies enforcement of school policies or rules that use the Title IX implementation as justification or legal reasoning for the school district’s policy for the duration of the court’s order,” continues FAIR Twin Cities.

Title IX is a 1972 law aimed at safeguarding students from sex-based discrimination in every K-12 and postsecondary school that receives federal funding. The Biden administration’s Title IX changes expand the definition of “sex” to now include gender identity.

“The intended effect of the Rule is far-reaching and designed to make schools and others receiving federal education funding overhaul their polic[i]es for bathroom and locker room use, simple language and pronoun use, training content for teachers, instructional content for students and definitions of what constitutes bullying and discrimination,” states FAIR Twin Cities.


Minnesota parents interested in exempting their child’s school from the new Title IX Rule can sign-up here to become a free national member at large of Moms for Liberty. The deadline to be included in this exemption is July 15.