Letters to the editor

We’ve got mail!

On point  

We are so blessed to have the Center of the American Experiment in Minnesota. Your diligent research and cultural and economic analysis provide us with an alternative source of critical local news. You have met your goals to educate and inform the people of Minnesota with noteworthy facts — without the biased, liberal political spin provided by the other local news media outlets within this market.  

We would like to continue to receive your analysis of events and issues that impact our economy, education system, health care, state and local governments, our employers and employees, our investments, our environment, and our families.  

We trust that American Experiment will continue to have a special place as a leader in Minnesota’s news media — factual and to-the-point. Thank you. 

David and Terese Paulson 
Jordan, Minn.

We encourage Thinking Minnesota readers to submit letters to the editor regarding articles and features included in the magazine. Please include your name and city/state of residence. Letters can be sent to:  

12600 Whitewater Drive, Suite 150  

Minnetonka, MN 55343  

Attn: Editor Thinking Minnesota  

Or email at: [email protected]