Minnesota’s political future runs through Greenwich Village, NYC

Digging into the most recent batch of campaign finance reports, I came across this gem: on the last day of the latest reporting period (May 31), a man named Barry Munger donated $1,500,000 to a campaign finance vehicle named The PAC for Minnesota’s Future, based in Washington, DC. It has to rank as one of the largest single individual campaign donations made in state history.

Mr. Munger lists his occupation as “photographer” and his address as an apartment in Greenwich Village, New York City.

A search of the usual campaign databases indicates that this donation is Munger’s largest ever. The only previous donation in Minnesota of any note was $2,800 given to Minnesota Congresswoman Angie Craig in 2020.

At some point this election year, Mr. Munger’s $1.5 million donation will be forwarded the state Democratic (DFL) party.

Speaking of which, the State DFL party took in some notable donations this most recent period. The DFL received $300,000 from perennial top donor Alida Messinger, Rockefeller oil heiress and the former wife of the former DFL governor and U.S. Senator Mark Dayton.

And I can’t help but mention that our favorite New York City-based international financier kicked in another $25,000

105 days still to go until Election Day!